Welcome to my website! I am Chris, and I'm thrilled to have you here. I created this site to allow you to find out more about MindStorm Coding, and I hope you'll find it useful. In time, I will be offering a members section where you will be able to access our high quality courses for students (8-14) in order to develop their Coding, STEM and AI literacy skills. Thank you for stopping by!
About Me
I am a highly accomplished figure in the field of Computing, STEM, and Digital Learning Education. Over the past 25 years, I have led and developed award-winning programs at schools in the UK and Asia, earning recognition from major international organisations. My work has led schools to exclusive programs such as the Apple Distinguished Schools program and the TES Award for Innovative use of Technology. Additionally, my robotics teams have won 5 regional competitions and participated in National Championships. With a master's degree in Educational Technology and extensive global experience, I have a wealth of knowledge in curriculum design based on the latest research and pedagogical approaches.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.